10 August 2011

Stormy nights bring Warren's delights

Last night it stormed. As in STORMED. lots of lightening, thunder, rain (not Oregon drizzle, but downpour), and wind. For several hours. It was so bad that neither Kristin nor I wanted to go out and sightsee. We just stayed in.

However, when I looked out the window this morning, I saw blue sky! And fluffy clouds! and mountains in the distance!!! The wind and rain washed away the haze! Walking around was so much more pleasant and the humidity hadn’t built up yet, so we went back to the little square to buy some veggies.

blue skies! fluffy clouds! surveillance!

I found the older lady and bought a kilo of what look like string beans. I’m pretty used to eating those raw as a munch snack, so I was excited. We went onto campus and found a few things for breakfast before heading into lab. In lab, I munched down on 15-20 of the beans before Jie came in. She saw the beans and asked, “Oh! are you wanting to cook in the dorm?” I responded, “no, I just eat these raw.” She looked worried and replied, “my grandma said these are poisonous…” She looked them up online and apparently they contain a lectin that can aggregate red blood cells…. http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/295905107.html

Lesson learned: don’t be adventurous. or at least don’t be foolhardy, but ask if things can be eaten raw.

1 comment:

  1. Warren -- your writing is amazing. Since I have been there, even though only once, I can really see everything you are talking about in my mind. I know you are having an amazing experience already!!!
