15 September 2011

Beijing Photowalk, part 1 [UPDATED]

I love my iphone. That's an understatement, really, considering how much we've gone through. Each generation has been my faithful companion, and the picture skills of the latest gen have really shone. However, well, sometimes there are limitations to the iphone. There, I said it. Although it's better than any point-and-shoot I've ever had, I have no control over its camera functions except digital zoom and some focus.

So I got an SLR. And my iphone is alright with it. We talked it over.

And tonight I went on my first photo shoot with new SLR (the iphone chaperoned us). Tanu found a group on facebook called "Beijing Photowalks." It's a small group of foto aficionados who go around Beijing for photo shoots. Some of the participants have lived here for several years, so they have LOTS of good ideas in mind.

Tonight we went to the National Center for the Performing Arts, or "The Egg" (lots of new structures in Beijing have nicknames: Bird's Nest and WaterCube are internationally known; "Pants" and "Egg" are lesser-known). It's adjacent to the Forbidden City and Tianenmen Square and has been surrounded by some controversy, for its proximity to historic sites and its designer (a DUTCH fellow!).

part of THE EGG

Adjacent to the Center is the Great Hall of the People, which may be where the Chinese Congress meets.

Afterwards, I walked along the wall to the Forbidden City and got this shot.
brick wall!

and don't worry, iphone and I are doing well. I won't be sleeping on the couch tonight.

Update: Photowalk with Trey Ratcliffe of stuckincustoms.com a few days later. The sky was blue with scattered clouds (!) and I got some great shots:


  1. Cool! What kind of SLR did you get? I'm looking into getting one myself. So glad you and your iphone were able to work through it.

  2. Thanks, Carolyn. Your support means a lot to us.

    It's a Canon T3. I was going to get the XSi, but this is better (/newer model) and there was a promotion going on! Lemme know if you need any help wading through the models out there. :D
